Colin Todhunter - Archive

About the author:

Colin Todhunter is an extensively published independent writer and former social policy researcher. Originally from the UK, he has spent many years in India. His website is
GM Golden Rice in the Philippines Stopped: The Deception of Development and the Politics of Progress By , April 29, 2024
Video: Farm Laws in India By , May 05, 2021
Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism By , February 01, 2021
Viral Inequality and the Farmers’ Struggle in India By , February 01, 2021
Farmers’ Protests Reflect Existential Crisis of Indian Agriculture By , January 21, 2021
Indian Farmers on the Frontline Against Global Capitalism By , January 18, 2021
Health and Wealth in India – Farmers’ Lives Matter By , December 18, 2020
Treadmill of Magic Seeds and Broken Promises: Dismantling the Myth of Bt Cotton Success in India By , November 06, 2020
Bt Cotton in India Is a GMO Template for a ‘Monumental Irreversible Catastrophe’ By and , September 29, 2020
Neoliberal Death Knell for Indian Agriculture By , September 18, 2020
Genetically Modified Bt Cotton: Cultivating Farmer Distress in India By , February 07, 2020
Challenging the Flawed Premise Behind Pushing GMOs into Indian Agriculture By , January 17, 2020
Capitalism and the Gut-Wrenching Hijack of India By , January 07, 2020
India’s Tryst with Destiny: Freedom Struggle from Exploitation and Degradation Is Global By , August 08, 2019
Encouraging Illegal Planting of Bt Brinjal in India: Political Posturing, Displaying Contempt for the Wider Public Interest By , June 14, 2019
Illegal Bt Brinjal Growing in India: A Call to Initiate Criminal Proceedings against Regulators and Corporations By , May 15, 2019
Genetically Modified Bt Brinjal Aubergine Illegally Growing in India: Who Is Really Pulling the Strings? By , April 28, 2019
As the 2019 Indian General Election Takes Place, Are the Nation’s Farmers Being Dealt a Knock-Out Blow? By , April 24, 2019
India’s Agrarian Crisis: Father of Green Revolution Rejects GM Crops By , December 02, 2018
India’s Farmers Plan Mass March to the Nation’s Parliament as Agrarian Crisis Reaches “Civilization Proportions” By , October 29, 2018
The Illegal Entry of GMOs into India By , August 25, 2018
India: The State of Independence. British Colonialism Replaced by a New Hegemony By , August 08, 2018
India Mortgaged? Forced-Fed Illness and the Neoliberal Food Regime By , July 30, 2018
Agrarian Crisis and Climate Catastrophe: Forged in India, Made in Washington By , July 09, 2018
GM Crops in India: Approval by Contamination? By , June 30, 2018
Pro-GMO Activism and Smears Masquerade as Journalism: From Seralini to Jairam Ramesh, Aruna Rodrigues Puts the Record Straight By and , June 17, 2018
The Empire Strikes Back: Leaving Indian Farmers in the Dirt By , June 03, 2018
Offshoring Indian Agriculture: Is India Becoming a GMO Trash Can? By , March 10, 2018
Fabricated Reality: Lobbying for GMO Agriculture in India By , February 10, 2018
Global Capitalism and Livelihoods Denied: Whipping India’s Farmers into Submission By , January 23, 2018
Monsanto’s Violence in India: The Sacred and The Profane By , September 30, 2017
GM Mustard and the Indian Government: The Game Is up, the Emperor Has No Clothes! By , September 12, 2017
Foreign Capital Dictates India’s Development Agenda: Cultural Imperialism and the Seeds of Catastrophe, Ripping Up India’s Social Fabric By , September 11, 2017
Soil, Monsanto and the Agribusiness Giants: Conning the World with Snake Oil and Doughnuts By , August 24, 2017
In India, Ditching Science for Corporate Inspired Spin in Push for Genetically Modified Mustard By , July 12, 2017
Future Shock: Imagining India By , June 26, 2017
GM Mustard Case Returns To Court In India: Bt Cotton Failure And Economic Distress Spun As A ‘Success’ In Pitch For GMOs By , February 09, 2017
Development and India: Why Genetically Modified Mustard Really Matters By , January 23, 2017
India, From the Destabilization of Agriculture to Demonetization, “Made in America” By , January 05, 2017
Genetically Modified (GM) Mustard in India: “Fudged Data,” “Unremitting Fraud” and “Monumentally Bogus” By , November 11, 2016
Seeds of Corruption: “Unneeded, Unwanted and Unsafe,” the Case of Genetically Modified Mustard in India By , November 01, 2015
gmo food on
Poisoned Food, Poisoned Agriculture: Getting off the Chemical Treadmill By , October 28, 2015
What the ‘Green Revolution’ Did for India. The Passing of Bhaskar Save By , October 25, 2015
Sowing the GMO Seeds of Depopulation? By , May 23, 2015
Challenging India’s Neoliberal Agenda: Greenpeace India Faces Imminent Shutdown By , May 05, 2015
Toxic Mercury in the Mist: Holding Unilever in India to Account By , April 30, 2015
Indian Agriculture and Monsanto By , April 17, 2015
The Pro-GMO Lobby In Retreat. “‘Monsanto’s ‘Discredit Bureau’ has More than Enough on its Plate” By , April 02, 2015
Monsanto’s Shares Surge as its Drive to Force GM Crops into India Gathers Pace By , February 05, 2015