Malaysia Works on Draft Resolution to Expel Israel From the UN

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said his country, among others, is drafting a resolution proposing Israel’s expulsion from the UN “should there be a violation of laws, rules and decisions in issues involving Palestine.”
Anwar told the Malaysian parliament on Monday that the draft resolution, which is to be submitted to the UN General Assembly, calls for an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice over Israel’s obligations to allow the UN to operate in occupied Palestinian territory.
“The draft resolution is in the negotiation process and we will study if Israel can be removed as a member of [the] UN if there is violation of international laws,” he said.
“Malaysia will ensure that the agenda is heard and given attention so that the atrocities of the Israeli regime can be stopped, besides allowing critical aid to reach the Palestinian people at a time when the massacre continues to worsen,” he added.
The move comes as international condemnation grows over Israel’s decision to ban UNRWA.
Israeli Parliament last week passed a bill banning UNRWA from operating, which would eventually affect its work in the Gaza Strip, the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. The legislation will take effect in 90 days.
Once approved, Anwar said, the resolution is expected to be a legal basis for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to continue providing basic services, including education, health treatment and humanitarian aid.
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