Video: Myanmar: US-backed Opposition Is Armed

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After weeks of denying the violence carried out by US-backed opposition groups in Myanmar, US-funded propaganda outlets like “Myanmar Now” are finally admitting and making excuses for the opposition fighting government security forces with war weapons.
The opposition has announced a parallel government the US is likely going to “recognize” and offer military support to – creating a catastrophe directly on China’s as well as Thailand’s borders in a chain of events identical to the US engineered “Arab Spring” and interventions in Libya and Syria in 2011.
Armed groups linking up with US-backed anti-government protesters represent US-British backed proxies armed and trained by the West for decades – including as colonial forces used by the British to occupy Myanmar – then called “Burma.”
Now just as they were under the British Empire, these ethnic militants are key to dividing and destroying Myanmar, denying it peace and stability, and denying its neighbors – including China and Thailand – a stable and prosperous partner.
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This article was originally published on the author’s blog site, Land Destroyer Report.
Brian Berletic, formally known under the pen name “Tony Cartalucci” is a geopolitical researcher, writer, and video producer (YouTube here, Odysee here, and BitChute here) based in Bangkok, Thailand. He is a regular contributor to New Eastern Outlook and more recently, 21st Century Wire. You can support his work via Patreon here.
Myanmar Now (US NED-funded) – As slaughter of civilians continues, some decide it’s time to take up arms:
Columbia Journalism Review – Myanmar’s Other Reports (paragraph 19, Myanmar Now’s NED funding):
US National Endowment for Democracy – Burma (2020):
LD – West Grinds Development to a Halt in Myanmar (Burma) (2011):
LD – Militants Threaten China’s OBOR Initiative in Myanmar (2018):
US National Endowment for Democracy – Burma (2020):