South Front - Archive
Video: Taliban Attacks NATO Convoy
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September 17, 2017
Militarization and US-China Confrontation in the South China Sea
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July 14, 2016
Video: China’s New Aircraft Carrier Force, Challenges US Naval Hegemony?
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April 20, 2016
US-Japan Military Alliance: Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Forces (JMSDF). The Most Powerful Naval Force in the Asia-Pacific Region
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December 22, 2015
The India-Pakistan Confrontation. The Dangers of Nuclear Conflict in South Asia?
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November 12, 2015
Who is Behind China’s Al Qaeda Terrorist Insurgency in Xinjiang-Uyghur? Threat of Destabilization
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October 23, 2015
The US-China Standoff in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region
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August 01, 2015